Monday, August 29, 2011

Doing Gender

This is a great article i read in another one of my Gender Studies classes at UCSB. Let me know what yall think about it.


  1. This article is sooo interesting!
    Even the definition of the difference between sex and gender in the first paragraph were enough to make me start thinking: "Sex, we told students, was what was ascribed by biology: anatomy, hormones, and physiology. Gender, we said, was an achieved status: that which is constructed through psychological, cultural, and social means." Today, however, it seems as if these two things, sex and gender, have become blurred into one. When one thinks of a certain sex, an entire list of streotypes comes to mind, and it is these stereotypes that have have become our definitions of gender. Gender is no longer defined by your accomplishments or choices as an individual and your personal passions about life but it is rather defined by societies expectations for your sex.
    I also think that the claim about Western societies that "the accepted cultural perspective on gender views women and men as naturally and unequivocally defined" is very true. As evidenced even in American society, there are 'accepted' social norms and definitions of who men and women should be that we claim to be a part of nature...but are they really? Or are they molds that we as humans have created only to bring a sense of order and organization to our world?

  2. Great comment, Ashlee. I'm glad you got the sex/gender schema, you should mention it in class. Everyone should understand this definition.
