Sunday, August 28, 2011

Movies with gender conflict

Two movies released this year focus on gender conflict. The first movie is Gun Hill Road:
The second movie is Pariah:

Although the movies share similar plots, the fine details are different. Gun Hill Road involves a teenage guy, while Pariah features a teenage girl. Both teens are conflicted by their sexual identity. When reading up about the movies, I found it interesting how in each movie, one parent supports the teenager's identity, while the other parent struggles to accept their child's identity. In Gun Hill Road the mother is supportive, while the father has issues. In Pariah the supportive parent is the father, and the mother has trouble accepting her daughter. The separate attitudes by the parents causes strife within the family and it brings up the difference in expectations of a father versus a mother. It would be interesting to compare the two movies in full detail.

1 comment:

  1. The father-daughter, mother-son relationships always evoke psychoanalysis. I'd encourage everyone to brush up on their basic psychoanalytical knowledge: Oedipus conflict, castration anxiety, ID-EGO-SuperEgo, the unconscious, and so on.
