Saturday, November 05, 2011

Queer Theory and Prop 8

            I found part of the lecture on Monday about Queer Theory very interesting. This was the idea that they should just reject the idea of gender, that all desire is fluid and can change and therefore should not be defined. For many people the idea of “coming out” for instance is seen as kind of liberating and allows homosexuals to be noticed and accepted in society. However, it is true that this just reinforces the idea that heterosexuality is “better.” Homosexuals are forced to admit to being homosexual just to be understood. It is definitely a double standard. However, looking at queer theory, because desire is fluid and no one is only homosexual or heterosexual, we should not have these specific categories.
            Recently doing research on Proposition 8, the California amendment to get rid of gay marriage, I came across some similar ideas. Some members of the LGBT community actually do not support same-sex marriage. It is not that they do not want equal rights or the ability to get “married.” They just do not want to support this generally heterosexual term. Instead, these members support creating an entirely new term and system for gay marriages. Similar to queer theory they do not want to promote heterosexuality as dominant. Homosexuality is in its own way unique and special and should not have to beg to be able to have the right to marry. It is demeaning towards the LGBT community and makes them feel like they have to strive to be like heterosexual couples, which should not be the case at all.


  1. Excellent reading of queer theory engaging with a practical example. This mode of writing will definitely serve you well for your exam/papers, so keep this style/logic in mind!

  2. Wow! I love that idea about gay people possibly needing their own terminology other than marriage! Great concept!
