Sunday, October 09, 2011

Against Monogamy

I found it interesting that Freud said "Bisexuality! I am sure you are right about it. And I am accustoming myself to regarding every sexual act as an event between four individuals." This would definitely support a case against monogamy in that not even a monogamous relationship would be between two people but four.

Bersani cites psychoanalysis to support the argument against monogamy, concluding that monogamy is not "natural." The problem with this is that psychoanalysis by its nature is extremely hard to prove and lacking in empirical evidence. I would find concrete numbers and statistics more compelling than deduction, which conclude that any sexual act involves four individuals. That is too theoretical to make a persuasive argument against an institution as concrete as marriage.


  1. I really liked that quote too! I thought the idea that two people in a sense represent four was really interesting. It definitely makes me think about the complexities of our persona.

  2. Note that psychoanalysis' very point is that it recognizes the limits, and blind spots, of more "scientific" methodologies which perhaps only explore that which is visible/material. Psychoanalysis as a Theory and practice try to get at that which cannot be seen and yet still drives us.
