Sunday, October 16, 2011

response to faggot=loser

The whole concept of masculinity as a competition to overpower and win is an interesting concept. Then the idea of general anger and emotion from ‘losing or feeling small’ emasculates someone and explains the competitive brother relationship. The question is how did being a ‘faggot’ or even ‘woman’ evolve into a degrading statement towards losing. Obviously masculinity has been designed in contrast with femininity but faggot and women are not the opposite designs of masculinity. The real idea revolves around if is it bad to use faggot for different purposes outside of its sexuality derogative.

Its sad faggot has evolved to be used as degrading term to describe a lack of masculine, but the use of faggot in that sense is not supposed to be an intentional insult to homosexuality in some contexts of the word. Yet because faggot is derogative word it always carries the implied insult of homosexuality as not masculine. In essence a word doesn’t exist for the degradation of masculinity so therefore comparisons of other words are drawn as an insult. But then is masculinity the reason why we need to a word to judge someone’s masculine qualities. Basically a large part of being masculine is simply to win and be bigger and overpower others. Therefore to be more masculine then the other guy is a goal of masculinity. With that goal in mind masculinity itself encourages to degrade or acknowledge how someone is less of a man, only to boost the inflated ego of masculinity of the man making the statement.

I’m not acknowledging masculinity as necessary a bad quality in people, but masculinity ironically causes insecurity of oneself because they are judged based on their manliness. The more insecure someone is with their masculinity can serve as a reason to degrade others. Eminem explains the term of ‘faggot’ appropriately. Eminem himself is also notorious for challenging other rappers and men in his raps. He is also notorious for holding up a certain image. It improves his own perception of himself for himself when he is looked down as a short white rapper. Perhaps the terms faggot and femininity would not exist without the fear of masculine degradation. Yet as much as masculinity pushes people to down others for own self-acknowledgement, our society functions as a competition to improve. Competition is unhealthy but it progresses society. Therefore masculinity progresses society but it causes insecurity and tension in sexuality.

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