Sunday, October 09, 2011

Barsini: Agaisnt Monogamy.

I had a hard time organizing my ideas for this blog. So, this blog may be a bit scatter brained. I apologized.

First, I found this essay quite annoying. I think I let my personal opinions get in the way of reading this essay objectively. I think I may sound infantile, but I was not surprised that these ideas come from Freud and Barsini, both men. Of course they would preach against monogamy. Anyway, just my surface feelings, I'm not critically dissecting the essay up front.
“Thus monogamy for Freud, Phillips, and Bollas, turns out to be nearly all things: a civilized necessity that represses desire and betrays the promiscuous curiosity of childhood, a self-sufficient arrangement that, on its own, would never open into community life and is therefore threatening to civilization.” I find that this statement denies the idea of the very institution that has saved our civilization, marriage. Marriage establishes an organized intimate and sexual relationship between two people. I do not feel that marriage is a “regression” but rather a progression of human survival. I personally feel that the “promiscuity” of a child is just a process of development where the child needs to seek experiences that shape his life.  A child’s curiosity is their desire to seek pleasure, but we cannot assume that it is their instinctive need for sexual pleasure.
Also, marriage is not "a regression of com

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