Sunday, October 16, 2011

Faggot = Loser

One of the keys to looking at the use of the word faggot by boys is whether or not they actually think someone is homosexual when using it. In the book Boyhoods by Ken Corbett, Corbett brings up the idea that “Faggot = Anything. Faggot = Everything.” The word faggot has lost its specific meaning towards homosexuals and has become an every use insult. For many boys, faggot is just another insult to use on people no matter the situation or people involved. For instance in Corbett’s example, Josh uses faggot because his brother calls him that and he understands it is insulting. I honestly doubt Josh even knows the true meaning of the word.
            Similarly, the word gay has also become a common insult. In both of these cases people use the word because of the connotation, not the actual meaning. Calling someone gay or a faggot is supposed to be harmful. How this happened is the real problem, why are these words meant as harmful in the first place. Although when people use these words they are not specifically referring to homosexuals, simply using the terms is degrading and insulting towards them. People need to stop using these words so casually in conversation.
            On a side note, the origin of the term faggot is from medieval times. Bundles of sticks were referred to as faggots. In those days, homosexuals were burned at the stake, or burned on faggots. In turn homosexuals were referred to as faggots because of this.

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