Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ni**a You Gay Moments: Boondocks

In this popular animated series, The Boondocks, the main character constantly insults people by using his catchphrase "nigga you gay" or any variation of that. What i found interesting is that something so controversial and so homophobic can be aired on national television. While it is "adult swim" and it is intended for more mature audiences, being accepting of calling people gay should not be intended for any audience and should be acceptable for any audience. The fact that this show allows for such derogatory terms, including using gay as an insult and constantly saying the word "nigga," should be grounds for its immediate removal from the air.


  1. Wow, the fact that the use of the words "nigga you gay" is allowed is not as shocking as I thought. What makes me more upset is the fact that shows like these desensitize society's use of language.

  2. Although I think it's important that television and other widely available forms of media don't ignore societal issues but rather bring them to light, I think what really makes this wrong is that the character is not chastised for ridiculing someone using this terminology but rather is glorified for it; turning his homophobic ignorance into a fun catch phrase.

    --Jheanelle G.
