Saturday, October 01, 2011

Gender Conflict Story from Inside a Federal Prison

A story has been on my mind lately and I'm curious to see what you guys think about it.

Background info: My mom is a psychologist at a male federal prison in LA where she councils the inmates. People always ask her what's one of her best stories and she tends to bring up this one.

One of my mom's inmates is extremely muscular and very intimidating. So he sits down for my mom's routine session one day and says, "I'm a woman." This part always gets a big laugh. Then he tells my mom, "And I'm actually a lesbian woman." Everyone always says when they here that, "Oh my god that is so weird!"
Then my mom: "What does your wife have to say about this?"
Inmate: "Oh she's so happy about it! Because she confessed that she's a lesbian too!"
My mom: "And what does your daughter think?"
The inmate: "She's also a lesbian! We're one big lesbian family!"

People are always roaring at this point. Before this class, I would laugh too and agree that this is "so weird." I think it's interesting that after just one month of learning about gender conflicts I feel so different about it. It makes me sad that this story is considered entertaining and how just because this man isn't necessarily typical people laugh at him.


  1. This is a very rich little anecdote. We should try to unpack it in class. If everyone is a lesbian is anyone a lesbian?
