Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Another interesting quote!

The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says, “It’s a girl.”
Shirley Chisholm


  1. This is a very interesting quote! It reminds me of a lady I met last weekend who had a baby boy. She told me how strangers at the market would tell her "Oh, what a pretty girl!" I can infer that she did not like this comment because when I saw the baby, he was dressed in all blue and his hair was cut short. It's very common for mothers to reaffirm what the gender of their young children are by altering their physical appearance. It seems like they are almost scared that other people will address their children by the wrong gender.

  2. This quote is one that really makes you stop and think! The idea that your stereotypical gender role is defined as soon as your biological gender is declared only makes me stop and wonder about what would happen if we stopped declaring a baby's gender at birth. Not saying that I want this to happen...but just for conversational puposes...what really would happen if instead of declaring a baby as a boy or girl, ifwe never broadcasted their biological gender but rather let them grow up free from the stereotypical gender roles that society would have placed on them...What about our society would improve? What negative affects would this have?
