Monday, September 12, 2011

Jocks in Frocks are Beautiful

Susan Sontag explains that what is most beautiful in a man is something feminine and what is most beautiful in a woman is something masculine. This was clearly shown in Ru Paul's Drag Race episode "Jocks in Frocks." In turning athletic men into drag queens, it was clear that there was something sensitive and beautiful in each of these manly men. Sontag goes on to explain that sexiest part of people is what is most opposite from their actual sex, saying that Camp can refer to something that seems different, but is in fact the same. When the drag queens were paired up with their jocks, I had no idea how it would all work out. Even though they were both anatomically men, the differences between the two seemed huge. These straight guys with athletic builds having to look and act like women. I wondered what drove them to volunteer to be on this show. I thought that there must be something inside of them that always wanted to try drag because they all did have feminine qualities that came out throughout their work on the show and truly were each beautiful. I also noticed that a few of the drag queens, like Alexis, were more athletic than I would've imagined, proving that a more feminine man can also have a masculine side that is equally special.

Another point Songtag brings up in her essay is that Camp creates a different and new set of standards for what is good and bad. None of the jocks in the show were seen as doing something "bad" by letting go of some of their masculinity, and of course the actual drag queens love what they do and would never think of dressing up as a woman as something out of the ordinary. Society is somewhat judgmental of this type of work because it is something different that people feel uncomfortable watching. Even as I started the show, it took me a few minutes to get into it and not feel awkward by watching these very confidently effeminate guys. The truth is, there is nothing right or wrong about expressing ones self in the way the contestants on the show do. They are free to dress up as women, and in all honestly, they are so good at it. I legitimately thought some of them were beautiful and totally believed they were girls, especially when Carmen came out half naked, I was like "Wow, his body is better looking than mine." These men finally feel comfortable enough to express this side of themselves, and should not be frowned upon for doing so, but rather embraced by exposing the rest of the world to be comfortable with drag.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree. I was amazed by how beautiful and feminine these men were when they were in drag. I was especially surprised by how well they were able to transform the jocks into believable women.

  3. I also was thinking about the willingness of the jocks to participate in the show. Not many straight people I know, including myself would be willing/comfortable to dress and perform as those contestants/volunteers did. But the more I think about it, the game show is just for fun. More people should strive to be as comfortable as the jocks were.
