Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pepi, Luci, y Bom

So maybe I'm a a little strange, but I loved it.

I think that it's interesting that the topic of film discussion came up in our class because in my personal life I've recently decided that it is time for me to become better versed in film. I had had Almodovar on my to-do list but never really got around to it. Until our class in Monday, that is. And as anyone could presume was the general sentiment in the room during the film (I mean the way that people reacted and nervous polite laughter is always a tell tale sign), it was the kind of movie that left you very confused, not quite sure what you were supposed to get out of it. Which I think is right up my alley since I understand better the subtleties of reading as opposed to the brash demonstrations of many movies. This movie was fun and interesting in that the style was hyper exaggerated to make you feel a little like "WTF?" But by doing this, one gets to get a clearer sense of how "WTF" our established systems of gender are if looked at closely under the microscope.

I loved all three of the women in their ow strengths and the fact that they did not follow the usual movie/television template of three-women-of-differing

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