Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Jocks in Frocks

I watched the episode “Jocks in Frocks”, and I was really surprised by the show. At first, I thought the idea of dressing straight athletes in drag was a little crazy. I did not understand why the show would want to do that. But then, I noticed a comment in Susan Sontag’s description that stated, “Camp taste is, above all, a mode of enjoyment”. This resonates with what I thought of the show because I found the to be amusing. Furthermore, another comment by Sontag claims, “The whole point of Camp is to dethrone the serious. Camp is playful, anti-serious.” This comment almost exactly aligns with the theme of the episode. The athletes were dressed as females and had to perform cheers as cheerleaders. The point was not to a serious representation, but rather to be playful and entertaining. I felt more comfortable with the show when I thought about it in the sense that the point was not to be serious. I wonder if others feel the same way: that even though serious gender issues were addresses throughout the episode, one might be more likely to enjoy the show because it is entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. I was surprised by the show too! And surprisingly, I found it to be entertaining and funny. I like how you brought up the statement that "Camp taste is, above all, a mode of enjoyment" because even though the jocks were at first a bit uncomfortable and were new to dressing as drag queens, in the end, they had fun with it. At the end, when they did their little cheers and their walks, the jocks enjoyed becoming a drag queen for that time and moment.
