Monday, September 26, 2011

Pepi, Luci, Bom

To be honest, when I found out that we were going to watch a movie, I had no idea what to expect; and once we started watching it, I realized that I was in no way prepared for what I was going to see. Although there were some parts of the movie that I thought were notable such as the way it characterized female independence and denounced female inferiority, I really did not like this movie. Tobe honest I thought it was a little disturbing and at this point, before the class discussion as I am trying to sort out my own thoughts about the film, I have no clue what to think about it. Even in the opening scene as themes such as bribery of the law and rape are shown, I began to realize that the film was not going to be one that I would enjoy. As the film goes on and is widely driven by the need for revenge, I do see where gender conflicts come into play. In the movie, especially evident in the marriage between the policeman and Luci, the power struggle between the couple illustrates the stereotypical male dominated relationship in which the domesticated wife is is supposed to be completely submissive as she cooks, cleans, and knits.
The positive aspect of the film; and personally, the only aspect I see worth mentioning, is Luci's ability to break free from her husband's tyrannical rule of her life in order to search for happiness. In this way, the film emphasizes female independence and promotes the equality between sexes as it encourages Luci to break free from her husband. Although I personally did not enjoy the film, I am curious to hear the thoughts of others in discussion so that hopefully I can learn to appreciate more aspects of the film that I am overlooking because I was so disturbed by it.

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