Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón

Pedro Almodovar’s films have always portrayed strong female characters as evidently seen in Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón , his first successful movie. As the movie began, being familiar with Almodovar’s work, I had prepared myself for some shocking and thought provoking scenes. As the film progressed I was very surprised to see how far the director went in his critique of modern societies views on sexuality and gender roles. He clearly wished to push the boundaries to the extreme in order to shock, educate, and test his audience.

I loved the very direct and obvious critiques Almodovar makes toward gender classification through social norms throughout the movie. He leaves nothing to the imagination of the viewer. For example, the scene where he cuts to the “Puton Panties” commercials (the panties that can be used for everything) he makes a clear critique of the way women’s undergarments are always advertised as being “sexy”, but never for the actual reason we wear underwear in the first place. He also introduces the idea of eroticism. This entire movie is based on the movement of eroticism, freedom, and social change. By being very graphic and open through his portrayals of lesbians and gays his most obvious critique on society could be that of the people’s closed mindedness. He is clearly making a statement of the need for social change as well as woman empowerment when faced by the suppression of gender norms. For those who watch this film the only questions I would have you ask yourself are: Is this movie pure craziness? Or rather stroke of genius, a film way ahead of it’s time?

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