Thursday, September 01, 2011

NPR: The End Of Gender?

So the first thing that I thought to post was this picture I found on google that is the epitomy of the gender sterotypes in our society... the masculine male depicted as the strong, althetic, independent man....and the feminine woman depicted as the frazzled, dependent and helpless mother....

The other thing I have decided to post is this really amazing article I found in the NPR website:

The article is titles: The End of Gender? and asks readers the question: Could we be heading toward the end of gender? The article begins by defining gender according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary as being "the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex- in other words the cultural expectations that go along with saying that someone is a boy or a girl."

The text has some amazing quotes that stuck out to me that I listed below in an effort to summarize the article:

"Sex differences are real and some are probably present at birth, but then social factors magnify them,"

"Does gender matter? In a country with the ideal of treating everone fairly and equitably,do we really need t know if someone is a boy or a girl?"

"Tagging someone as female or male 'enforces binary gender norms and it pretends that gender is a more stable category of identity than it actually is.'"

"we designate and segregate gender in public 'starting with the idea that there are two-and-only-two genders--a constuction, and a myth in our society that excludes many.'"

"if parents did not buy into gender stereityping of children's toys and clothes, kids would stay open-minded longer during childhood."

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