Saturday, September 03, 2011

Gender Roles in Commercials

Gender roles are everywhere. We already know that. But it's interesting to see how knowledge about gender roles is used to manipulate the masses through advertisements. We've all seen the Axe commericals that claim that their cologne attracts girls, or the millions of commercials about gym equipment or workout plans that show middle aged women achieving super model bodies and middle aged men becoming strong and muscular. Alcohol ads tend to do the same (showing men drinking alcohol with tons of pretty girls around them admiring the men). I cam across another ad that utilizes gender roles in a funny way to promote men's consumption of alcohol (for the ad basically says, men are to alcohol as women are to shoes). What do you think about this?

1 comment:

  1. I think companies take advantage of these gender roles because most people feel like they have to "fit in" to society. Our society has determined these gender roles/norms and now it is looked down upon if someone does not fill that role. Each of these commercials makes it seem like their product will allow a person to be more like what our culture expects them to be, and I believe most people want to do that. Because of this, these advertisements are very effective and help sell their products.
