Thursday, September 01, 2011

Transgender in Reality TV

Chaz Bono, formerly known as Chastity Bono, has recently caused controversy in the world of reality television. Dancing with the Stars has decided to include Chaz, child of Sonny Bono and Cher, in their upcoming season. I came across an article on Perez about the current controversy of the decision to have a female-to-male transgender on the show. According to Dan Gainor, a member of the Media Research Center, “Whether it’s Glee or Dancing With the Stars, this is part of Hollywood’s insistence on tearing down traditional families. Parents now more than ever must realize they cannot let their kids watch television without supervision or risk advocating lifestyles that most families do not approve of." This quote really made me realize how uncomfortable Americans still are about the LGBT community, as if to say that it might be okay if it is "out of sight, out of mind," but causes much discomfort when it is publicized on television. Almost more shocking were the comments found below the article on Perez. So many people were calling Chaz a "circus freak" or the "bearded lady" which really made me question the ignorance of Americans. Is the cast of Jersey Shore really currently more socially acceptable? The members of Jersey Shore are on a reality show just like Chaz Bono and they flaunt their own stupidity and drunkenness, as if almost promoting the lifestyle and tearing down more "traditional families." If Americans are more comfortable watching shows where the men blatantly try to hook up with as many girls as possible because it is "the Situation," rather than watch one member of a show who is a transvestite, then I think Americans have a long way to go with gender acceptance in the LGBT community.

1 comment:

  1. This supposed controversy really cracked me up. Especially when the rhetoric is: "it isn't safe for the children." What about the children watching who are LIKE Chaz? What about the ones who may desire someone LIKE Chaz? Do they count? If the heterosexist regime is so "natural" why does every little thing that doesn't perfectly mimic it pose such a threat to its annihilation? Do children "turn transgender" by watching transgender celebrities dance the cha cha or what?
