Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wait! Jocks as Drag Queens???

After watching the drag race, episode “Jocks in Frocks” I was quite surprised and a bit uncomfortable at first. I had never heard of the show prior to the assignment. I found the premise quite interesting though to dress heterosexual jocks in drag. Jock and drag queens are complete opposites. I then considered Susan Sontag’s description of camp as a “vision of the world in terms of style -- but a particular kind of style. It is the love of the exaggerated, the "off," of things-being-what-they-are-not.” The show exemplified Susan Sontag’s idea of camp and style, while the characters exaggerated and enjoyed themselves. Although the show is a competition, the characters benefit more from the freedom of expression.

It’s also fascinating how although the show is a source of entertainment, it also serves as a message to people to accept things that go above and beyond social expectations. Susan Sontag also gives similar advice by describing camp as art that proposes itself seriously, but cannot be taken altogether seriously because it is "too much."” Perhaps the shock factor and comedian acts drive away any hidden messages and meaning. Although in the end, it is an entertaining show, which follows closely with the ideas of Susan Sontag and ‘Camp.’

1 comment:

  1. I had the same reaction to the show at first. The premise is very interesting though and the way the men on the show exaggerate all of their actions makes it very interesting to watch. I think it is a good sign for how far society has come that people can watch a show such as this on television and have be accepted by its audiences.
