Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pepi, Luci, Bom

When I realized that we were watching an old movie in class, I was mentally preparing myself for an hour of proper television. Within the first 10 minutes of the film however, I was surprised to see such sexual scenes and innaproppriate language being used. Everyone else in class seemed to feel the same way, as I noticed by the looks of shock on my classmates' faces, as well as the muffled giggles. It took me a while to finally understand what the movie was about--at first I thought it was just a film involving sex, drugs, and rebellion.
Pepi, Luci, Bom definitely did a good job of showing how culturally locked up women have been. This caused them to rebel not through protests, but through sexual acts and drugs, as shown in the film. I was surprised that the Spanish would allow such scenes in this film, but I suppose it was realistically correct, if not politically.

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