Wednesday, September 14, 2011

“Camp is either completely naive or else wholly conscious”

To me, the most interesting part of the episode of Rupaul’s Drag Race, Jocks in Frocks, was the juxtaposition of the drag queens and the jocks. The drag queens seek to embody all things feminine while the jocks represent all things masculine. The drag queens are completely at ease pretending to be women while the jocks are clearly very uncomfortable with the situation. This related to Susan Sontag’s Camp when she states “camp is either completely naive or else wholly conscious”. In this case, the jocks are “completely naïve” because they don’t know what they are doing: they don’t know how to walk in heels or imitate the maneurisms of a woman. At the same time, the drag queens competing are “wholly conscious” of what they are doing to the point where they actually make the audience believe that they are women. Overall, I think the relationship between these two groups was a very thought-provoking topic for an episode of this show.

Anna-Cat Brigida

1 comment:

  1. I watched the Rupaul's DragU episode and I feel like what you said here would apply to that episode too, except with the the family members being the ones who are "completely naïve", while the drag queens are again the ones who are "wholly conscious". The drag queens then impart their knowledge on the naïve "students" (family members) to get them ready for their "draguation", after which the students become a little more conscious about how to be a confidant woman, as the drag queens already are.
