Monday, September 26, 2011

Pepi, Luci, Bom

I have to agree with Jenny that the fast-paced nature of the film made it very confusing. There were so many shocking images thrown at the audience and it was hard to both figure out what was going on while also trying to think about the bigger picture. Obviously the film was made to shock people, as many people have mentioned, but this also contributed to many people’s confusion, so in this way it can be viewed as one of the film’s strengths and weaknesses.

One scene that was particularly interesting was the first scene where Pepi offers to give the police officer oral sex, but he then rapes her. One theme that the Almodovar is playing with here is the idea of the victim having some responsibility in regards to sexual assault. Some would say that Pepi should be held accountable for putting herself in this situation because she sent out a mixed message to the police officer. However, I don’t think it is ever the victim’s fault in situations of sexual assault. Any other opinions on this issue?

1 comment:

  1. I was not there to watch the film myself. However, I do agree that it is never someone's fault for being sexually abused. No one should do that to someone else regardless. However, I can't help but feel that some people do make stupid choices. Most perpetrators do not care about making a moral choice,it is about control. And they will not stop to think about the consequences of their actions. With that in mind, it is up to most of us to stay out of dangerous situations. By offering to give someone a blow job, well, one cannot expect to be respected back.
