Thursday, September 01, 2011

Gender Stereotypes

This is a video called Boys Will Be Girls and it's basically a comedic impression of the stereotypes of women today. However, it is portrayed by men. A friend just showed me this video yesterday and I thought it was interesting to see men's exaggerated perceptions of the way women act and the stereotypes that have resulted. It make me think: do women really act like that? But actually, in my experience the girls I know don't act like that, or at least not nearly to that extent. Do any of you actually see these stereotypes in your everyday life?

On the other side of these girl stereotypes, there are also gender stereotypes about men portrayed by women in this video called Girls Will Be Boys:

What do you guys think? Is this video over exaggerated as well?


  1. It's always good to ask "Women? Which Women?" Privileged women who go to Harvard? Are they representative of how "women" act? Or are these just stereotypes that we can satirize yet we may depend on (and reproduce) to feel safe?

  2. Obviously these are stereotypes. I mean everything they did was over exaggerated. There were certain truths, at least from my experiences, that I noticed were similar to the way that some women act. The constant need to perpetually communicate is one and also the need for women to be concerned with others lives (or at least seem to be concerned).
